Fafi dream numbers
Fafi dream numbers

The sum of the number 13 is 4 (1+3=4), the number of “radicals,” because Four-people often feel misunderstood and unconsciously invite secret envy and enemies. The original states that formed the American Union were 13 its motto, E Pluribus Unum, has 13 letters, the American eagle has 13 feathers in each wing, and when George Washington raised the Republican standard he was saluted with 13 guns. Turning westward, 13 was the sacred number of the Mexicans. Enshrined in the Temple of Atsusa, in Japan, is a sacred sword with 13 objects of mystery forming its hilt. The mystical discs which surmount Indian and Chinese pagodas are 13 in number. In the Indian pantheon there are 13 Buddhas. It is only prevalent in places where the Christian Church is very influential. But this suspicion is rare in the rest of the world. Theaters in Italy don’t have a seat numbered 13. And to this day, there are hotels where no room is numbered 13. This gave rise, for instance, to the belief that when 13 people sat at a table, one of them would die in the same year. They insisted that 13 was an unlucky number because there were 13 people sitting at the table of the Last Supper. It is stated in old writings that “he who knows the meaning of the number 13 has the key to power and control”!Ĭhristianity, however, was opposed to any kind of occultism and had a lot to do with giving this number such a bad reputation. Ancient cultures assigned great importance to it, considering it more positive than negative. Many people have a deeply rooted aversion against-even a fear of-the number Thirteen.

Fafi dream numbers